THE MISSING INGREDIENT


 The Critical Ingredient - Missing in our modern leadership is the element of STEWARDSHIP in its proper definition. Leadership without Stewardship results in OWNERSHIP.
Leadership with Stewardship yields two critical things: Service and Accountability.

The office of a leader is purely for service and service is about the people or the organization. When serving people is not in the picture and not a priority, the expectation is that the people must serve you, either by crook or by hook.

Great leaders have prioritized two things:
People and Service.  The means to service delivery is MANAGEMENT  of the resources at your disposal entrusted to you for the service of the people.  Management in Stewardship is the defining term. It rings the bell always as a reminder about Accountability  and Responsibility.
The main characteristic of a Steward is
"Faithfulness". Faithfulness is the inner quality of being loyal to the course of duty through self discipline. Faithfulness attracts the elements of justice where the faithful are rewarded and the unfaithful punished. When the unfaithful are not punished, the resultant behaviour is
" looting ". The victims of this kind of evil is that those who need the service suffer a lot.
Companies collapse to a closure, countries and government ground to a halt due to lack of paper or ink because looting has become an acceptable culture and routine for the survival and enrichment to those in the office of responsibility which has been turned to  be an office of looters.

" Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."
1 Corinthians 4:1‭-‬2 KJV

Faithfulness is guided by three principles:
Trust, responsibility and accountability. These three principles are conscience cleansing, meaning they keep your conscious pure. In the absence of the above, two evils creep in. Greed and Power. You turn your position or office to POWER for control and manipulation. Secondly you turn your responsibility into GREED, your management into "money - man - age - ment." This is how organizations fail and collapse.

Our economies and organizations have been hit hard by the scourge of the Covid 19 pandemic lockdowns, businesses closed for good. But some evil hearted people found an opportunity to cash in from the resources allocated for this emergency and disaster. This is "greed" the curse that has brought so much misery for the poor people and stalled progress in our continent.

When greed is rewarded and looting becomes official for officials, corruption becomes collection for those in office, when the faithful stewards are frustrated in their execution of their duties and the leadership turns a blind eye then you must know that the systems have failed ...because  there was no " systems management" in the value chain of things leading to the delivery of the expected services.

Leadership is Stewardship, Management, Responsibility and Accountability and at the end there is Justice meted to the faithful and the unfaithful. Reward for the faithful
Retribution for the unfaithful.

 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Matthew 25:21‭NIV

"Untamed ambition is toxic"
 Leadership is Stewardship..!!