"A Professing Prophetess"


Hanna does not feature prominently in the Gospels, but her mention in the thus particular scripture carries so much weight. The few things mentioned about her cannot escape the mind of the reader because there is so much substance in her brief  life story.  I like the opening verse..." There was a Prophetess".


There was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She WAS  very old, and had lived with her husband for seven years after her marriage, and then as a widow to the age of eighty-four.
 She did not leave the [area of the] temple, but was serving and worshiping night and day with fastings and prayers. She, too, came up at that very moment and began praising and giving thanks to God, and continued to speak of Him to all who were looking for the redemption and deliverance of Jerusalem.
LUKE 2:36‭-‬38 AMP

This is one of the amazing stories in the Bible I like and get inspired always I read it.
 A widow for a long time. But never departed from the Temple. Temporary things did not deter her from her commitment to God.

 She was able to overcome " alone-ness and lone-liness" by her sincerity in the service of God. She was not a Prophetess by Title but stayed very close to God and the temple for spiritual alignment, adjustment and  synchronization.

Her coming to the temple like Simeon  was well orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.

She was spiritually rich and loaded with so much grace that she  was a Praising and Proclaiming Prophetess.

  "She, too, came up at that very moment and began praising and giving thanks to God, and continued to speak of Him to all who were looking for the redemption and deliverance of Jerusalem."

She was a Preaching Prophetess. She was a "Prophecy Explaining prophetess" telling them that the Messiah is come and is born.
She knew how to overcome the stress that comes with widow-hood and alone-ness. She was actively involved in the following actively and consistently.

"but was serving and worshiping night and day with fastings and prayers."

What a qualitative service.
What a consistent service
What an exemplary service
What a spiritual service (prayer and fasting)
What a Committed service  (day and night)
What a focused service (never departed from the temple

 Anna was God's choice, chosen to be a vessel in the prophetic space during the time when Israel was expecting the coming of the Messiah.  We can learn so much from Anna even in our time.
