Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray


Father we praise you, and honour you  for your love and grace. We glorify you as God eternal, Worship you as the only God in Heaven and in earth. We bless your Holy name and reverence you the Eternal God of our Redemption and Salvation. Thank you for eternal life, thank you for forgiveness of our sins, thank you for healing of our diseases, thank you for delivering us from all forms of oppressive tendencies.

 You are  a loving  Father. You are concerned about your people, you care about our suffering, and you intervene in our cases, and different situations.

Thank you Lord that you always make a way where there is no way. You open doors that are closed and shut those doors that are not allowed to open by you. You accelerate our course towards your righteous plan and purpose.

You are our Healer, Deliverer, Saviour, Redeemer  Conquerer, Protector, Provider, Purifier and Sanctifier.

We glorify and magnify your Holy Name. We honour you. We adore you, we exalt your name, we worship your Majesty, we proclaim your Greatness and Goodness. We Declare your Supremacy and Sovereignty.

You are eternal, all powerful, all knowing, all present, unchangeable, compassionate, kind and merciful, gracious and loving.

You are transcended ( above everything), you rule over your creation and reign over your people. You call things which are not as if they are already there.
You honour the faith of your people no matter how small. Though you are on high but you look down upon us and the lowly to exalt.

You are the lifter of our burdens, the changer and transformer of our lives. You are the God of our destinies, you accomplish what you have already started.

Your purpose  concerning the Church will prevail and never fail. Your will for the church and this generation will come to pass. Your purpose will prevail against all odds. No man nor plans of man will be able to stand before you.
You are greater than the so called great ones on earth, mightier than the mighty of the earth, more wise than the wiser of this world.

You plan and purpose, you create and establishes, you build and sustain, you rule and overrule, you give and supply, you cause to happen and stop from happening. You relate to mankind you draw nigh to those who love and serve you alone. You bless those who abide in you. You reveal more of yourself to those who hunger and thirst for you.

Thank you that you will reveal more of yourself to us through the Holy Spirit and by the power of your Word. Thank you that you will keep us from fear, failing and fall. You will keep in faith and faithfulness and make us to be steadfast in our faith and belief in thee.

Keep our minds at peace with you Lord. Keep our hearts in line with you Lord.
May we walk in the reverence and fear of the Lord. May we see spiritual and physical healing of your people, emotional and social healing and deliverance of your people, restoration and reconciliation through the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.
Now to Him who is able to Save and Deliver, Heal, Protect and Provide, Keep in perfect peace those who trust Him and his word, those who obey and depend on Him.

Be glorified in our hearts and lives and be exalted in the church and by all the Saints....all this we declare, pronounce and proclaim  in Jesus Christ our Lord and Soon Coming Redeemer and Deliverer.